Key dates |
Abstract format |
Call for symposia: closed now |
Abstract title: word limit 15 |
Symposia leads notified: 20 March 2019 |
Select a Presentation type: oral, poster, either oral or poster, speed talk |
Call for abstracts: closed now |
Select a theme: included in this list is the accepted Symposia |
Abstract presenters notified: 25 July 2019 |
Authors and affiliations: city/state/country/first name/last name |
Abstract presenters registration deadline: 19 September 2019 |
Presenting author biography: word limit 150 |
Abstract upload: word limit 250 |
Key themes for call for abstracts
Adaptation & evolution
Behavioural ecology
Conservation biology
Disease ecology
Diversity & distributions
Education & outreach
Paleontology & ancient DNA
Policy and management
Population & landscape genetics
Reproductive biology
Social science
Taxonomy & phylogenetics
Tim Halliday Amphibian Conservation
Accepted Symposia
Amphibian Bioacoustic Symposium
Amphibian conservation in the Anthropocene – challenges, priorities, and solutions for the human epoch
Amphibian Conservation Research Symposium (ACRS)
Amphibian disease susceptibility in a changing world
Amphibian genome assembly and evolution
Beyond CTmax and CTmin: Advances in Studying the Thermal Limits of Reptiles and Amphibians
Biology and conservation of paedomorphosis in amphibians
Biology of the Frog Family Microhylidae
Climate change and shifting phenology in amphibians: causes and consequences
Early Detection Rapid Response (EDRR) for invasive reptiles and amphibians symposium
Emerging Frontiers in Sex Chromosome Evolution
Evolution of terrestrial breeding in amphibians
Herps in the City: mechanisms of responses to human-induced environmental change.
Improving the interface between research and management for conservation of New Zealand reptiles and frogs
Moving Herpetofauna in The Right Direction Part I: Conservation Translocations
Moving Herpetofauna in The Right Direction Part II: Translocations and Tools To Mitigate For Development
New and Innovative Technologies for Herpetological Research
New Perspectives on Biology of Sea Snakes
Novel Approaches to Science Communication & Conservation Engagement in Herpetology
Phylogeography and biogeography of Neotropical herpetofauna
Recovering amphibian and reptile species from the brink of extinction: developing best-practice guidelines
Reproductive Technologies and Biobanking for Amphibian Conservation
So many snakes (and lizards and toads) in so little time: Celebrating the career of Rick Shine.
Sociality of Amphibians and Reptiles
Temperature, moisture and environmental change: conservation physiology of lepidosaurs in an age of climate disruption
X-ray microtomography in herpetology: a new era of morphological study
Terms and conditions
All presenters must register to attend the Congress and are responsible for their own travel, accommodation and registration expenses. Registration are available now, please click here to register.
Presenters must be registered by Thursday 19 September to guarantee a place in the programme.
Submission queries
Please do not hesitate to contact Kate should you have any questions or queries regarding the submission process.
Kate Howden
Conference Innovators Ltd