All costs are in New Zealand dollars and are inclusive of GST. Early Bird rates apply until Thursday 5 September.
Registration fees
Early bird | Standard | Onsite | |
Full registration | $810 | $890 | $1,035 |
Student* | $490 | $510 | $540 |
Partner* | $250 | $250 | $250 |
Day registration |
$200 | $220 | $240 |
*To be eligible for a student registration you must be a current student (with relevant identification) or have graduated within 12 months of the Congress (graduated no earlier than 5 January 2019)
*A partner registration is entitled to all social entitlements of the programme, these are the welcome reception, poster viewing evenings and the Congress dinner. Please note a partner registration is not entitled to attend the scientific programme.
Full registration inclusions
Student scholarships available
We are thrilled to announce that WCH, Oceania Gold and the Chinese Herpetology Society have kindly offered to support student attendance at the 9th World Congress of Herpetology.
You must be a current student or have graduated in the past 12 months to be considered for any funding towards your attendance at the 9th World Congress of Herpetology. To be considered for a scholarship you must submit an abstract for consideration into the programme.
If you have not yet submitted an abstract don't panic as there is still a chance to submit one. The abstract portal and student scholarship application will be open until Friday 23 August, midnight NZST.
Please note this portal is only open to students who have requested funding. If you have already submitted an abstract you do not need to submit this again.
If successful in securing funding, your registration and up to 5 nights accommodation in the University of Otago Hall will be provided. You will be responsible for your travel, transfers and other associated costs.
If you have any question around this application process please do not hesitate to contact Kate Howden.
to submit your scholarship application.
Terms and conditions
If, for reasons beyond the control of the Organising Committee, the Congress is cancelled, your registration fee will be refunded after deduction of expenses already incurred. Charges for cancellations of accommodation, particularly within one month of the Congress, will be subject to the discretion of the hotel concerned and your credit card may be charged a cancellation fee levied by the hotel.
By accepting our terms and conditions you also accept you will adhere to the WCH Code of Conduct - to view this now.